Introducing... ✨ The Self-Publish Society ✨

⚡️Our Mission

The Self-Publish Society exists to help women write books and self-publish them successfully to Amazon (and beyond). We foster an environment of growth, confidence, and connection - because writing a book by yourself is lonely AF. 

This is a space where we'll not only help guide you to the next best step for you (via self-paced courses, classes, and resources), but also we'll connect you with others who are working on their own books alongside you - there is nothing like a community of women supporting each other as we work on crushing our goals. ✨ 

🥂 What's The Vibe?

Our community is focused on three key areas of author development:
COMMUNITY - COACHING - COURSES. You get instant access to all three.

As a member of The Self-Publish Society, you can expect:

  • To take ownership over your author journey, placing yourself in an environment conducive to GROWTH and REACHING YOUR GOAL of becoming an author this year.
  • To gain insider self-publishing tips, advice and support to empower your independent publishing journey and help you make strategic creative and financial decisions on your publishing path.
  • To experience encouragement and support from your community hosts and fellow members on their own journeys.
  • To build confidence connecting with others, networking, asking questions, sharing your story, and getting support based on where you're at now -- so you can take the next right step for you.

✔️ Instant Access To:

When you join The Self-Publish Society today, you’ll get instant access to our:

  • Thriving, Supportive Community: Filled with women at various stages of the self-publishing process, our community is a supportive place where you can participate in discussions, as questions, share wins and successes, and get feedback or advice on your current roadblocks. We all have unique past experiences with writing, publishing and selling our own books, and the power of the community is that you're surrounded by likeminded people who GET IT and who are working towards the same goal(s) as you!
  • Group Coaching Opportunities: Participate in monthly live member meetings and education sessions with SPS Host Courtney St Croix (founder of LeadHer Publishing) and other community members. Ask your questions and get real-time answers, support, and guidance. PLUS, take advantage of monthly workshops featuring guest industry experts in the areas of writing, self-publishing, and marketing - available to join live or watch as a replay anytime. 
  • Self-Paced Courses and Masterclasses: Attend an Interactive Video Course where industry professionals provide valuable insights and tips into self-publishing. The course is not just tutorial videos, it’s about fostering an interactive learning environment that aids in mastering the art of self-publishing.
  • Writing Accountability Events: Participate in writing workshop/accountability events, where you can participate in focused writing sprints, receive motivational talks, and share valuable feedback with other independent authors. This event boosts your productivity and enhances your understanding of the nuances of writing and publishing.
  • Peer Review Sessions: Participate in Peer Review Sessions on our chat platform. Here, writers can share their work to get constructive feedback from other community members. This opens you up to varied viewpoints and advice, which is instrumental in polishing your literary work and improving as a writer.

So...who is the society for, anyway?

✨ The Self-Publish Society is for you if...

✔️ You're an identifying woman who has a dream to write a book - whether it's a brand new dream or a life-long goal.

✔️ You're passionate about writing but don't know how to strategically organize your work.

✔️ You've tried (and tried..and TRIED) to write a book in the past, but nothing ever came of it.

✔️ You have a hard time prioritizing your writing or your goal to become an author - because it's a long process with a lot of overwhelming steps.

✔️ You crave connection and know that being part of a like-minded group or team has supported your journey in a positive way in the past. (Think: being part of the soccer team that wins the tournament, going to a live event that felt custom-made to you and your needs, joining a book club to discuss your latest 🌶  read, or going out to a club to dance because it's totally a different energy than dancing alone in your kitchen.)

✔️ You like a balance of self-paced, choose-your-own-adventure learning, as well as opportunities to ask an expert your specific questions, get feedback, and connect with other people who are doing the same things you are.

✔️ You want to be part of a group that will help you on your author matter where you're at now.

✔️ You want to start NOW and publish your work BEFORE 2024 IS OVER.